Masks, 2013
Silk screen on scratch paint on digital print on aluminium honeycomb plate
shown at Tirdad Zolghadr's Conversation piece 2 in Gstaad
The body of augmented realities brought about by the melding of layers of material places and their virtual representations. "Palimpsest" originates in ancient manuscripts from which the text has been scraped or washed off and which can be used again. Ancient Greek palímpsestos literally means scratched. The XIXth-century techniques helped to make lost texts readable and faint legible remains were read again. In the series scratching reveals the under-layers of print, creating a collage of two masks, artifacts always used to over-lay one facial representation with an other. The work concentrates on cultural contextualizing of any given speech and intersubjective relations between two actors, accepting a possibility of one being an alter-ego of another.